Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Almighty

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Orig Key: D | New Key:

Title: Almighty

Subtitle: key: B

D/F# | G  D/F# | G  D7/A G D  |  C2 |

Verse 1

 You have no rival You stand alone
 The heavens worship before Your throne
D        C2     Em7      Dsus
There is no one like You 
 You have no equal Your Kingdom reigns
 Yours is the highest of ev'ry name
D        C2     Em7      Dsus
There is no one like You 


Chorus 1a

     Gsus    G
Al - might - y
      D/F#     G      D7/A
We're standing in the presence
G       D/F#    C2
of Your majes - ty
       Gsus G
You're ho - ly
D/F#    G        D7/A
You a - lone the sov'reign
G        D       Em7
crown of royal - ty
Dsus       Csus    C2
You're the King of kings 
Dsus  Gsus    G
 al - might - y


D/F# | G  D7/A G D  |  C2 |

Verse 2

G                               D/F#
 Our God eternal the great I AM 
 The praise of angels will never end
D        C2     Em7      Dsus
There is no one like You 
G                                 D/F#
 Eyes like fire face like the sun 
 A voice like thunder who was and is
D  C2   Em7 Dsus
to come ...



     Gsus    G
Al - might - y
      D/F#     G      D7/A
We're standing in the presence
G       D/F#    C2
of Your majes - ty
       Gsus G
You're ho - ly
D/F#    G        D7/A
You a - lone the sov'reign 
G        D/F#    Em7
crown of royal - ty
Dsus       C2
You're the King of kings 
D     C2
 Al - mighty


G                                    D/F#
 I see the Holy One high and exalt - ed
Em7                                  D
 I hide my eyes and I tremble before Him
 I tremble before Him
G                                    D/F#
 I see the Holy One high and exalt - ed
 I hide my eyes and I tremble
       D   C2
before Him  I tremble


Chorus 2

             Gsus    G
You are al - might - y
      D/F#     G      D7/A
We're standing in the presence 
G       D/F#    C2
of Your majes - ty
       Gsus G
You're ho - ly
D/F#    G        D7/A
You a - lone the sov'reign 
G        D/F#    Em7
crown of royal - ty
Dsus       C2            D
You're the King of kings 
     Gsus    G Dsus/F#
Al - might - y  
             Em7    C2
You are al - mighty 
             Gsus    G Dsus/F#
You are al - might - y  
             Em7    C2 G
You are al - mighty ...

|  G  |  D/F# | Em7 | C2 |

Key: D